
Play as Snezhinka, a fixed-term contract employee at a private military company, and hold the line against waves of hostile mechs in a 2.5D dystopian world.

In order to survive, you'll have to use your heavily taxed salary to purchase cards and develop your combat capabilities.




The game's main character. She signed up with a private military company to track down her sister, who she lost contact with following an abrupt deployment. Though quiet by nature, she has the determination and drive to accomplish whatever she sets her mind to.



A signaleer who freezes up whenever she sees a microphone. Though she is held in high regard within the company for her cheery personality and athletic ability, her inability to talk over the radio or engage with large groups of people renders her entirely useless for battlefield communications.



A well-bred noblewoman with a superiority complex. She has absolute confidence in her own abilities, and looks down on those she deems unworthy—which is practically everyone. She joined the company in order to gain military experience, and fully intends to change jobs as soon as she has learned what she needs.



A scientist suffering from chronic sleep deprivation. She is typically aloof due to her constant state of exhaustion, but a good night's sleep will have her looking and acting like an entirely different person. Though she was once an elite researcher, her employment was terminated after she was accused of promoting anti-government sentiment.



An ambitious manager who oversees Snezhinka's team. She hails from a family of potato farmers out in the countryside and, despite her fondness for it, has absolutely no talent for drawing.



A people-pleasing scout who never refuses a request. She is easily swayed by the opinions of others due to her extremely low self-esteem. Though she tries to hide it with a smile, she struggles with her inability to say "no."



A sisterly bomber who is rarely without a smile. Her gentle nature and strong work ethic belie her status as a 9th class citizen. While she is now a model employee, she was fired from her previous job after building a bomb inside the school at which she taught. She has a younger sister named Bion.



A pessimistic markswoman who keeps others at arm's length. She views the world in an unfavorable light and is quick to comment on her distaste for whatever comes her way. Her innate talent with a rifle makes her a capable designated marksman despite her lack of formal training.



Snezhinka's older sister and a member of the elite Molten Iron Squadron. She resents her country's army as much as she does the enemy's. She throws herself into battle without regard for her own safety, as if trying to atone for some grave sin. The government portrays her as a patriotic commoner who rose through the ranks to become an elite defender of the nation.

  • Players


  • Release Date

    August 27, 2024

  • Developer


  • Platforms


  • Price


  • Genre

    Fast-Paced Shooter

  • Supported Languages

    Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Korean

Guidelines for Livestreaming and Posting Videos

Users, regardless of any individual or corporate affiliations, are free to livestream or post videos of this game for personal (not-for-profit) or commercial (for-profit) purposes without providing prior notice, provided these activities do not violate the following prohibitions.

[Prohibited Actions]

  • Uploading content that deviates from or damages the reputation of the game.
  • All activities claiming to have an official connection to the game.
  • Uploading content that contains anything unlawful or immoral, that violates public order or standards of decency, or that may infringe upon the rights of others.
  • Using game content for any purpose unrelated to the game. This includes, but is not limited to, promoting religious, political, or ideological beliefs.

These guidelines are subject to change without prior notice. The developer cannot be held liable for any damages that may arise from failure to follow these guidelines.

This game was created by the independent developer hinyari9, who constantly struggles to promote his games. He would be very grateful if you would consider including the game's Steam store page URL when livestreaming or posting videos. Please note that this is simply a request, and not a requirement stipulated by these guidelines. Store page URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2608350/Sentinel_Girls2/

Contact me here with inquiries about this game.
